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What happens when TrustScience goes head-to-head with traditional credit scores?
For lenders looking to scale and grow, or even for lenders looking to keep up their current volumes,...
Softening Inflation Through the latter half of 2023, the North American economy finally began to see the...
Designed to provide a neutral comparative estimate of a borrower’s creditworthiness, credit scores play a pivotal role in...
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland presented the 2024 Canadian federal budget to the House of Commons on April 16....
For lenders looking to scale and grow, or even for lenders looking to keep up their current volumes,...
Softening Inflation Through the latter half of 2023, the North American economy finally began to see the...
Designed to provide a neutral comparative estimate of a borrower’s creditworthiness, credit scores play a pivotal role in...
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland presented the 2024 Canadian federal budget to the House of Commons on April 16....
For lenders looking to scale and grow, or even for lenders looking to keep up their current volumes,...
Softening Inflation Through the latter half of 2023, the North American economy finally began to see the...
A fireside chat session where our Founder and CEO, Evan Chrapko, and the CEO of CanCap, Steve Malone, discuss how lenders could help underbanked borrowers using technology.
Join Trust Science EVP Corporate Affairs, Colin Tran, as he leads a discussion on economic and lender trends shaping consumer lending, and explores how lenders are navigating the current environment.
Discover the broad range of data sources used for a custom credit score.
Learn how the Credit Bureau+™ platform helps lenders like you in real life.
Learn how new technologies, new data, and blockchain/B9 are challenging traditional Credit Bureaus.
Our prescreening and direct marketing services align your underwriting criteria and marketing criteria ensuring the highest response and approval rates for your marketing campaigns.
Learn more about Invisible Primes™ and the Credit Bureau+™ platform from our CEO Evan Chrapko.
Listen now to discover how AI/ML can empower the underbanked in credit scoring, digital marketing, and more.
Custom models, automated decisioning and access to trust science proprietary data.
A fireside chat session where our Founder and CEO, Evan Chrapko alongside our Chief Revenue Officer, Christopher LaBruna, and our Chief Data and Analytics Officer, Jeremy Mitchell, shared a survival guide for all lenders, especially Auto lenders.
Three Fintech CEO's discuss how to avoid the 5 deadly pitfalls when harnessing technology and seeking to boost lender ROA.
A fireside chat session where our Founder and CEO, Evan Chrapko, and the CEO of CanCap, Steve Malone, discuss how lenders could help underbanked borrowers using technology.
Join Trust Science EVP Corporate Affairs, Colin Tran, as he leads a discussion on economic and lender trends shaping consumer lending, and explores how lenders are navigating the current environment.
Discover the broad range of data sources used for a custom credit score.
Learn how the Credit Bureau+™ platform helps lenders like you in real life.
Learn how new technologies, new data, and blockchain/B9 are challenging traditional Credit Bureaus.
Our prescreening and direct marketing services align your underwriting criteria and marketing criteria ensuring the highest response and approval rates for your marketing campaigns.
Learn more about Invisible Primes™ and the Credit Bureau+™ platform from our CEO Evan Chrapko.
Listen now to discover how AI/ML can empower the underbanked in credit scoring, digital marketing, and more.
Custom models, automated decisioning and access to trust science proprietary data.
A fireside chat session where our Founder and CEO, Evan Chrapko alongside our Chief Revenue Officer, Christopher LaBruna, and our Chief Data and Analytics Officer, Jeremy Mitchell, shared a survival guide for all lenders, especially Auto lenders.
Three Fintech CEO's discuss how to avoid the 5 deadly pitfalls when harnessing technology and seeking to boost lender ROA.
A fireside chat session where our Founder and CEO, Evan Chrapko, and the CEO of CanCap, Steve Malone, discuss how lenders could help underbanked borrowers using technology.
Join Trust Science EVP Corporate Affairs, Colin Tran, as he leads a discussion on economic and lender trends shaping consumer lending, and explores how lenders are navigating the current environment.
Find out more about the Gartner® Research notes that highlight Trust Science as industry gold standards for AI, banking and alternative data.
dated October 30, 2023, on the
Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.
(November 16, 2023)
Are you a lender trying to make sense of alternative data sources, artificial intelligence, and machine learning underwriting? Check out our recorded webinars, videos, and downloadable resources.
Trust Science® is a member of the American Financial Services Association (AFSA), the Canadian Lenders Association (CLA), the National Automotive Finance Association (NAF), The Online Lenders Alliance (OLA) and the Texas Consumer Finance Association (TCFA).
Trust Science® is committed to Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) compliance and helping you protect and understand your consumer profile. For more information, please see our Consumer Disclosure Page.
Trust Science®, Credit Bureau 2.0® and Troo® are trademarks that are legally registered to Inc. by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.
Credit Bureau+™, Six°Score™, Smart Consent™, Hidden Prime™, Invisible Prime™, Credit Bureau 3.0™, Credit Bureau 4.0™, Personal Credit Bureau™, Personal Data Vault™, Auto Six°Score™, Auto Bureau™, Auto Credit Bureau™, Rating Agency 2.0™, Cashflow Bureau™, One Touch Lending™, Lead to Loan™, Lender in the Cloud™, Fl°wbuilder™, Fl°wbuilder™, FCRA-Compliant Insights From Lead to Loan™, Go Beyond the Bureau™, Fixing the Credit Catch-22™, Find Invisible Primes™, and Helping Lenders Find Great Borrowers™ are trademarks of Inc.