Built on millions of records, Trust Science’s Canadian Automotive Six°Score™ provides industry-leading accuracy tailored to the non-prime auto finance market. Leveraging the Credit Bureau+™ platform, the Canadian Automotive Six°Score™ harnesses the power of machine learning and explainable artificial intelligence for unparalleled predictiveness on more applicants. Clients get vastly improved business performance, double-digit ROI, and more financially inclusive lending, backed by data-driven insights that enable you to swap out bad deals while swapping in good deals.
Better than the Bureaus
Deep Subprime Performance
Bottom-Line ROI
Augmenting Your Scores and Strategy
The Canadian Automotive Six°Score™ was built on millions of records in the Canadian subprime market, creating a highly focused and highly predictive model tailored to automotive lending and its unique considerations.
KS represents a model’s ability to differentiate good and bad populations. Six°Score™ returned a
KS result of 31.43, highlighting its power at its most predictive.
ROC signifies the diagnostic ability of a model. Six°Score™ returned an AUC-ROC result of 0.7127, highlighting its predictive power across its score range.
The Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient measure a model’s ability to capture bad loans in lower score tiers. Six°Score had a Gini coefficient of 0.4258, proving its bad capture abilities.
Trust Science prepared a validation study on all clients that ran the Canadian Automotive Six°Score™ in parallel with a conventional bureau score or re-scored past applications. Across all metrics of performance, the Six°Score™ vastly outperformed the bureau score. The test window ran on over 500,000 subprime loans booked from Q1 2022 to Q1 2023.
Six°Score differentiates between good and bad loans with significantly greater accuracy vs. a common bureau score.
Six°Score rank orders better, capturing more bad loans in low score bands vs. a common bureau score.
Six°Score has overall superior good and bad classification, with less error vs. a common bureau score.
While the bureau score had minimal differentiation power between good and bad loans, Trust Science offered successful risk rank-ordering even in this tier by providing a 360° view of the consumer. Six°Score™ enables you to approve more underserved borrowers in this range with confidence. Six°Score™ vastly outperformed the bureau score with:
For a client with a target default rate of 4%, Six°Score helped the lender approve 79.52% more loans. With an additional rules overlay powered byFl°wBuilder, Trust Science helped the lender optimize return on equity by further reducing default rates while retaining over 30% more approvals.
Six°Score can also vastly improve performance by reducing defaults without “tightening” the credit box, allowing lenders to retain similar approvals while observing vast improvements to default rates and return on equity.
For a client with a target approval rate of 60%, Six°Score helped the lender lower default rates by 27.76%, which translated to a 5.15% increase in net earnings and a 4.98% increase in return on equity.
Six°Score™ is able to identify significant swap sets providing material opportunities to boost return on assets and improve overall portfolio performance.
Trust Science® is a member of the American Financial Services Association (AFSA), the Canadian Lenders Association (CLA), the National Automotive Finance Association (NAF), The Online Lenders Alliance (OLA) and the Texas Consumer Finance Association (TCFA).
Trust Science® is committed to Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) compliance and helping you protect and understand your consumer profile. For more information, please see our Consumer Disclosure Page.
Trust Science®, Credit Bureau 2.0® and Troo® are trademarks that are legally registered to www.TrustScience.com Inc. by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.
Credit Bureau+™, Six°Score™, Smart Consent™, Hidden Prime™, Invisible Prime™, Credit Bureau 3.0™, Credit Bureau 4.0™, Personal Credit Bureau™, Personal Data Vault™, Auto Six°Score™, Auto Bureau™, Auto Credit Bureau™, Rating Agency 2.0™, Cashflow Bureau™, One Touch Lending™, Lead to Loan™, Lender in the Cloud™, Fl°wbuilder™, Fl°wbuilder™, FCRA-Compliant Insights From Lead to Loan™, Go Beyond the Bureau™, Fixing the Credit Catch-22™, Find Invisible Primes™, and Helping Lenders Find Great Borrowers™ are trademarks of www.TrustScience.com Inc.